The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) issues the guidelines of the Coaching for Results in Education (CoRE), for school year 2024-2025. CoRE is a program that supports Education Service Contracting (ESC) participating schools in their preparation for the recertification revisit by providing assistance that covers the engagement of school coaches from the Kaagapay Program of the Phoenix Educational Foundation, Inc. (PEFI).

The Kaagapay Program assigns school coaches who are expert practitioners and leaders in education. It specifically assists the schools in the following: pursuance of data-based school improvement that impacts students’ learning; on- track implementation of recommendations and the School Improvement Plan (SIP); results- based management in monitoring outcomes in key result areas; and cost-effective management of human and material resources.

The PEAC will cover the financial assistance of Php50,000 for one school year in the CoRE Program wherein the school grantee accepts coaching from experts through the Kaagapay program of the Phoenix Educational Foundation.

The PEAC National Secretariat shall send a formal communication to the qualified schools based on the eligibility criteria. Qualified schools that are interested to participate in the program should submit a Letter of Intent with the subject head “CoRE Batch 4 – [Name of Institution]” that is signed by the school head and addressed to the PEAC Executive Director and attestation signed by the school head that the school has been accepted in the Kaagapay program of PEFI.

Both documents should be sent via e-mail to Ariel V. Alfonso ([email protected]) of the PEAC National Secretariat Communications and Research Unit. The PEAC NS will accept Letters of Intent only until July 22, 2024.

For inquiries, send an email to [email protected] or contact 0917-163-1100.