
Program Description and Role of PEAC

The Department of Education (DepEd) has commissioned the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC), through its National Secretariat, to establish a quality assurance certification mechanism that would confirm ESC participating private junior high schools’ compliance with DepEd’s standards for recognition. A certified ESC school therefore is one which has complied with all DepEd standards, adheres to applicable DepEd policies and meets the requirements of the self-study procedure prescribed by the PEAC National Secretariat ESC Certification Unit. Through the 2018 CAI, an ESC school is assisted to determine its strength and potentials for becoming a more effective educational institution. The government, through the Department of Education, has looked into the facilities and physical resources of the school prior to the granting of recognition. Therefore, the 2018 CAI focuses more on the functional use of these facilities and resources, rather than the provision thereof.

List of Schools:
Downloadable Materials:


Online Application/Submission for SY 2024-2025:


A. For ESC schools that intend to continue participation in the program:

Initial documentary requirements to be submitted via the Enterprise Information System (EIS) – https://eis.peac.org.ph/

Part I. Initial Documents

Scanned copies of the following documents must be uploaded in the EIS.


This is the Certificate of Incorporation.


The school name in the Government Recognition must be the same school name in the SEC Registration. A certificate from DepEd must be submitted should there be a discrepancy in school name.

Government Permit is not an alternative document for the Government Recognition.

  1. GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET (for at least 2023)

This is the General Information Sheet for 2023 onwards, with SEC barcode, stamp, or QR. The complete document must be submitted (all pages included).

  1. AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT (for at least 2023)

This is the Audited Financial Statement for 2023 onwards, with the independent auditor’s report. The complete document must be submitted (all pages included).

  1. SCHOOL CALENDAR for SY 2024-2025

This includes the Junior High School Daily Class Schedule for SY 2024-2025.

Part II. 

The information for the following requirements must be encoded in the EIS.

  1. 2018 CAI
  2. School’s Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (PVMGO)
  3. BEIS or School Profile (as of SY 2024-2025)
  4. Faculty and Personnel Profile (as of SY 2024-2025)
  5. School’s Actions on Previous Team’s Recommendation
Part III.

The Examples for Compliance Evidences (ECEs) for SY 2024-2025 must be uploaded in a Google Drive. The link to the Google Drive must be submitted via the EIS.

List of Required ECEs for SY 2024-2025

ECE Submission Guide for SY 2024-2025 (Google Drive)

***For Accredited Schools:

To update school accreditation status, the  latest  FAAP Certificate must be submitted to PEAC through the EIS-Certification System.

***For Schools with Alternative Delivery Modes of Instruction:

Click here to download the 2018 Certification Assessment Instrument for OHSP

Click here to download the 2018 Certification Assessment Instrument for MWSP 

Click here to download the 2018 CAI User’s Guide for OHSP/MWSP


B. For School Applicants of the ESC program:

Initial documentary requirements to be submitted via the Enterprise Information System (EIS) – https://eis.peac.org.ph/

Part I.

Scanned copies of the following documents must be uploaded in the EIS.


This must be addressed to the PEAC Executive Director.


This is the Certificate of Incorporation.


The school name in the Government Recognition must be the same school name in the SEC Registration. A certificate from DepEd must be submitted should there be a discrepancy in school name.

Government Permit is not an alternative document for the Government Recognition.

  1. GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET (for at least 2023)

This is the General Information Sheet for 2023 onwards, with SEC barcode, stamp, or QR. The complete document must be submitted (all pages included).

  1. AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT (for at least 2023)

This is the Audited Financial Statement for 2023 onwards, with the independent auditor’s report. The complete document must be submitted (all pages included).

  1. SCHOOL CALENDAR for SY 2024-2025

This includes the Junior High School Daily Class Schedule for SY 2024-2025.

Part II.

The information for the following requirements must be encoded in the EIS.

  1. 2018 CAI
  2. School’s Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (PVMGO)
  3. BEIS or School Profile (as of SY 2024-2025)
  4. Faculty and Personnel Profile (as of SY 2024-2025)
Part III. Required Examples of Compliance Evidences or ECEs

The Examples for Compliance Evidences (ECEs) for SY 2024-2025 must be uploaded in a Google Drive. The link to the Google Drive must be submitted via the EIS.

List of Required ECEs for SY 2024-2025

ECE Submission Guide for SY 2024-2025 (Google Drive)



  1. What is the Decision Rule for Area Ratings in the Certification report?

               Area Rating is based on the following Decision Rule is as follows:

4 For a mode of 4 in the Power Standards and rating of at least 3 in the Support Standards
3 For a mode of 3 in the Power Standards and rating of at least 2 in the Support Standards
2 For a mode of 2 in the Power Standards
1 For a mode of 1 in the Power Standards
0 For a mode of 0 in Power Standards


  1. What is the Decision Rule for Overall Ratings in the Certification report?


               The Certification Overall Rating based on a Decision Rule is as follows:

4 For a rating of 4 in all Core Areas and 3 or higher in the Support Areas
3 For a rating of 3 in all Core Areas and 2 or higher in the Support Areas
2 For a rating of 2 in all Core Areas and 2 or higher in the Support Areas
1 For a rating of 1 in all Core Areas and 1 or higher in the Support Areas
0 For a rating of 0 in all Core Areas


  1. What are the different school certification status?

The categories of certification/recertification are:

  • Full Compliance with Enhancement/Innovation as a result of an Overall Certification/Recertification Rating of 4
  • Full Compliance as a result of an Overall Certification/Recertification Rating of 3.
  • Substantial Compliance as a result of an Overall Certification/Recertification Rating of 2 with rating of 3 in at least 2 core areas.
  • Partial Compliance as a result of an Overall Certification/Recertification Rating of 2.
  • Limited Compliance as a result of having an Overall Certification/Recertification Rating of 1 with rating of 2 in at least 2 core areas.
  • Non-compliance as a result of an Overall Certification/Recertification Rating of 1 or 0.
  • For Applicant schools, no Certification and Recommended for Re-Application: Non-Compliance as a result of an Overall certification Rating of 1 or 0.


  1. When is our school’s next certification activity based on our overall final rating (if the 2018 CAI was used)?
  • On the 5th year, for an Overall rating of 4
  • On the 4th year, for an Overall Rating of 3
  • On the 3rd year, for an Overall Rating of 2 but with a rating of 3 and above in at least 2 Core Areas
  • On the 2nd year, for an Overall Rating of 2
  • On the 1st year, for an Overall Rating of 1 but with a rating of 2 and above in at least 2 Core Areas
  • *After 3 school years, for applicant schools with Overall ratings that do not meet eligibility requirements to participate.


For inquiries, concerns and clarifications, kindly provide your school name and ESC ID:

Certification Unit Contact Details:
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 02.8570.PEAC (02.8570.7322) loc. 151-152
Mobile: 0917.501.3669 (JHS) or 0917.307.0071 (SHS)

Contributed by the PEAC Certification Unit (PEAC-CU)