
PEAC presents reports and outputs of the strategic planning sessions

The PEAC NS convened the PEAC members, PEAC NS Management Team and PEAC Regional Program Directors (RPDs) via Zoom for the presentation of the final report which contains the final synthesis of previous discussions; outline of key result areas; and finalized target...

PEAC crafts the organization’s strategic directions for 2021-2024

With the insights gathered from the previous focus group discussions, the PEAC conducted two sessions via Zoom with the members of the PEAC and PEAC NS Management Team to discuss the next steps of the strategic planning for school year 2021-2022 to school year...

PEAC Executive Director Doris Ferrer is elected to the PAASCU Board

PEAC Executive Director Doris F. Ferrer is one of the newly elected members of the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) Board of Trustees. PAASCU is a service organization that quality assures academic programs of its...