Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP)
Program Description
Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) is a program of financial assistance wherein subsidies in the form of vouchers are provided to qualified SHS learners in VP-participating SHSs.
Role of PEAC
The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) shall coordinate with DepEd and other stakeholders to ensure that applications are processed, and results are promptly released. PEAC is represented nationally by its National Secretariat (PEAC NS).
Specifically, the PEAC NS has the following responsibilities:
- Provide the infrastructure, systems, coordination and controls required for the implementation of the SHS VP;
- Provide in-service training of teachers in VP-participating SHSs;
- Conduct orientation conferences on SHS VP policies, guidelines, procedures, and other related matters for Regional Program Committees, the DepEd SDOs concerns, VP-participating SHSs, and other concerned entities and individuals;
- Process billing statements and monitoring of VP participating SHSs; and
- Report violations of program policies and guidelines, as well as other concerns affecting the program’s implementation in accordance with the procedures under relevant issuances of DepEd or, in the absence thereof, to endorse a recommended action to DepEd for final decision
Moreover, its field counterpart, the PEAC Regional Secretariats (RS) conducts the field audits, training, and mentoring sessions as may be needed by their regions.
The Regional Program Committees (RPComs) as established through DO 18, s. 2016, shall oversee the compliance of VPparticipating SHSs in their regions with the policies and guidelines of the GASTPE programs, including the SHS VP. It is responsible in the resolution of the problems that may occur and/or recommend measures to improve program implementation. It is composed of the representatives from DepEd and PEAC RS with the Regional Director as the Chairperson and the PEAC Regional Director as Cochairperson.
Schools shall provide learners and parents with information, guidance, and assistance on the SHS VP and the application process. They shall process documents requested by the learners, conduct orientations on SHS VP, and provide resources to facilitate voucher applications, and may provide career guidance programs. VPparticipating SHS shall uphold student choice in the SHS VP and shall not impose their preferences on learners or otherwise engage in practices that undermine student choice. They must promptly encode complete and accurate information required in the BEIS, LIS, and VMS. Prepare billing statement packages and must comply with these program guidelines.
(from DO 20, s. 2023: Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program)
Important Reminders on GASTPE Implementation
Training for School Registrars
Validation of ESC Grantees and VPBs against the LIS
DepEd has approved the application of additional 8,495 learners to be part of the SHS Voucher Program for SY 2024-2025
DepEd grants 18,135 applicants SHS Voucher Subsidy
SHS Voucher Program Application for SY 2024-2024 results
SHS Voucher Applications for SY 2024-2025 will open on May 16, 2024
The online application for the SHS Voucher Program for SY 2024-2025 will open on May 16, 2024. The Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) is a program of financial assistance developed by the Department of Education (DepEd) and co-implemented with the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) wherein subsides in the form of vouchers are provided to qualified senior high school learners in VP participating senior high schools.
The DepEd has released a memorandum on the timeline of the SHS Voucher Application for SY 2024-2025 which can be downloaded at DepEd Memorandum No. 24, s. 2024. To apply, go to
The application procedure, eligibility requirements and important dates are indicated below. Applicants may also refer to DO 20, s. 2023: Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program. For inquiries, please send an email to [email protected].
For inquiries, concerns and clarifications (Billing and Schools with Adverse Findings):
Monitoring and Processing Unit Contact Details:
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 02.8570.PEAC (02.8570.7322) loc. 121-127
Mobile: 0917.314.4460 (Monitoring) or 0917.501.3273 (Processing)
For inquiries, concerns and clarifications (SHS Voucher Program Applications):
Information Technology and Information Management Unit Contact Details:
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 02.8570.PEAC (02.8570.7322) loc. 131
Mobile: 0917.702.4213 or 0927.220.0275