The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) will conduct the GASTPE Regional Orientation Conferences on the implementation of the JHS Education Service Contracting (ESC), Teachers’ Salary Subsidy (TSS), and SHS Voucher Program for school year 2024-2025 from June 20 to August 29, 2024.
All participating schools are expected to comply with the program guidelines issued by Department of Education (DepEd). One of the requirements for participation of qualified private schools in the programs is the attendance in the orientation conferences. Attendance in the orientation conferences has also been made a pre-requisite to the access to the billing facility of the ESC Information Management System (ESC IMS) and SHS Voucher Management System (SHS VMS) to ensure that participating schools understand and adhere to the implementation guidelines in the submission of GASTPE billing documents.
Each school campus or delivery mode is required to send their respective representatives to the orientation. Schools applying to be part of the ESC Program are also encouraged to attend the orientation conferences.
Online registration will open and close on specified dates for the different regions at https://ors.peac.org.ph. There is a registration fee of Php1,250 with AM and PM snacks and lunch as among the inclusions. Registration dates and steps are also indicated below:
1) For ESC participating junior high schools, non-ESC schools with EIS account and VP participating senior high schools:
2) For Non-ESC schools without EIS account and schools without VMS account:
Each school campus or delivery mode is required to send their respective representatives to the orientation.
For registration concerns, please contact the Information Technology and Information Management Unit (IT/IMU) and the Communications and Research Unit (CRU) for all other queries. You may also contact your Regional Secretariat for assistance. The directory of the Regional Secretariats can be viewed at peac.org.ph/contact-us.
Communications and Research Unit
[email protected]
Information Technology and Information Management Unit
[email protected]